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Learn how TheraSpecs lenses provide protection against irritating light and may serve as a critical light management tool if you are light sensitive after an accident.

Make TheraSpecs® glasses the foundational piece for managing your light sensitivity, whether you’re just learning how to control it immediately following an accident or have been dealing with it persistently for years. Our lenses filter the problematic light from screens, fluorescent lights, sunlight and more, so you can own your environment and make it work for your needs.

You’re a survivor, and light does not have to hold you back from what you love, whether that’s returning to work or school and being productive, or spending more time with the people you care about. Add TheraSpecs to your light management toolkit today!

TheraSpecs Glasses for Concussion, Brain Injuries, and Post-Concussion Syndrome

Recommended Lens Options

TheraSpecs Customer Reviews

TheraSpecs customers are often eager to share the impact our glasses have had on their lives. Below is just a sampling of reviews from customers whose lives have been profoundly improved with TheraSpecs.

What customers are saying

Danny wearing FL-Pro TheraSpecs for TBI and Concussion

"These TheraSpecs allow me to live my life [without] the stress of being in areas with bright lights because bright lights affect my vision and make my [episodes] worse. Thank you to TheraSpecs for changing my LIFE!!"
-Danny, Virginia, wearing FL-Pro (extra) lenses

Lasha wearing Z-Blue TheraSpecs after concussion

"I started using TheraSpecs after surgery five years ago and subsequent multiple accidents, and I can honestly say they've been complete lifesavers. I don't go a day without them! I already have the 'Max' Z-Blue, which is perfect for my bad days or when I'm out in public..."
-Lasha, Canada, wearing Z-Blue (max) lenses

Meghan wearing FL-Blend standard TheraSpecs

"My FL-Blend glasses are the first thing I grab to filter our synthetic and harsh lighting throughout my day. Ever since [my accident] in 2021, I've struggled with light and motion sensitivity. The FL-Blend glasses help lengthen my day [and] help me mindfully bounce from task to task while remaining stylish!"
-Meghan, wearing FL-Blend (standard) lenses

Not sure which lens is right for you? Use our lens finder to answer a few questions and receive an instant recommendation!

The TheraSpecs Difference

Among our customers who experience sensitivity to light after an accident:

91 Percent Graphic
91% reported noticeable improvement in managing their exposure to different types of light1
88 Percent Graphic
88% would enthusiastically recommend TheraSpecs to others with similar light-sensitive experiences2

Here are just a few of the extensive benefits customers have reported with TheraSpecs glasses:

  • “My TheraSpecs helped me be able to get back to work and use my phone and computer after my [accident].” - Lydia, Rhode Island
  • “They help me with issues of flashing lights while watching a TV show or outside with white light and firework-type flashes.” - Terri, North Carolina
  • “My glasses have been so helpful for [light sensitivity] during my recovery…” – Sarah, Colorado
  • I can go on screens longer with the FL-Pro glasses and the Sleep glasses truly improves my sleep when I wear them at least 2 hours before bed.” – Kaili, Canada
  • “They were recommended by my physical therapist...I wore the glasses for several days and indeed my brain had received a much needed rest." - Amy, Florida
  • “I have been struggling…since October and the [light sensitivity] was limiting me from trying to do so many things or just going out. TheraSpecs have helped me with this tremendously.” - Cassandra, Canada

Why Light Can Be Problematic After An Accident

People can be light sensitive for their entire lives, but for others it can come on all of sudden, especially after a life-changing accident or event. Even after the shock of the initial experience, the post-accident sensitivity to light can continue for months or years.3,4

Also, different types of lighting can also have a pronounced negative effect and greatly impact the daily functioning of survivors. Looking at a screen at work, walking outside on a sunny day, seeing flashing lights in a movie theater—they can a significant problem for those with this type of sensitivity.5,6

No matter where you are in this process, light management can be a critical part of your needs.

Light Management with TheraSpecs

The benefit of TheraSpecs glasses is in the specialized tint of their lenses. Each of our lenses is designed to target a unique spectrum of light and protect you from the light that may be giving you trouble.

TheraSpecs FL-Pro™ maximizes the filtering power of FL-41 to remove the most problematic wavelengths of light and protect you against computer and device screens, fluorescent lighting, LEDs and other artificial sources.
Shop FL-Pro Lenses ➜

TheraSpecs FL-Blend™ also uses FL-41 and balances the filtering of irritating light with a less noticeable tint to provide meaningful protection against artificial sources like screens and fluorescents.
Shop FL-Blend Lenses ➜

By reducing exposure to disruptive artificial light, both of these lens tints may help people to live well with migraine as part of a light management plan. We especially recommend them if fluorescent lighting is the culprit.

TheraSpecs Z-Blue™ is an alternative lens option for survivors who want to manage their exposure to visibly flashing lights and/or repeating patterns. This lens targets a different portion of the spectrum that may help general hypersensitivity to the environment.
Shop Z-Blue Lenses ➜

Better than Typical Sunglasses

It is common practice for people to wear sunglasses indoors when they are intensely light sensitive, but research shows this can make you more sensitive over time.7 Since TheraSpecs target specific ranges of light, their lenses do not have to be as dark as normal sunglasses, giving you risk-free protection for any situation. Plus, we also apply the FL-41 tint on a dark, polarized and 100% UVA/UVB blocking lens for our FL-Sun™ tint—making them the best sunglasses you’ll ever own.

Shipped Worldwide, Including the US, UK and Canada

TheraSpecs can be purchased quickly, easily, and securely through our online store. Whether you live in the US, UK, Australia, Canada or just about anywhere else in the world, we are able to get our glasses right to your door. We even have a free shipping option for all US orders. In-stock pairs ship the same or next business day; custom orders take approximately three weeks.

Custom Frames and Prescription Glasses

For customers with existing prescription eyewear, we have fitover styles like Original WearOver and Tatum WearOver. TheraSpecs lenses can be made with your prescription too—either in a standard frame or one you already own. Readers, clip-ons, and other custom frames can also be made with TheraSpecs lenses.

60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

We're excited for you to try TheraSpecs as a tool to help you get back to the important activities and people in your life! If you don't absolutely love your TheraSpecs, we want you to know that we're here to help. You can reach out to us at any time with questions or if you need additional support in order to get the most out of your experience with our glasses.

We also encourage you to take full advantage of our return and exchange policy. If you want to try another frame or a different lens option or make a return on a readymade item, just reach out to our team within 60 days.


1Sourced from data collected via an online survey of people with self-reported light sensitivity. Summary of findings can be found here:

2Sourced from post-purchase Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys sent to TheraSpecs customers who self reported as having survived a brain injury.

3Garbus C. Understanding photophobia in mTBI. American Optometric Association. Published January 19, 2021. Accessed February 23, 2021.

4Merezhinskaya N, Mallia RK, Park D, Millian-Morell L, Barker FM 2nd. Photophobia Associated with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Optom Vis Sci. 2021;98(8):891-900. doi:10.1097/OPX.0000000000001757

5Macnow T, Curran T, Tolliday C, et al. Effect of Screen Time on Recovery From Concussion: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatr. 2021;175(11):1124-1131. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.2782

6Abusamak M, Alrawashdeh HM. Post-concussion Syndrome Light Sensitivity: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Neuroophthalmology. 2021;46(2):85-90. Published 2021 Oct 13. doi:10.1080/01658107.2021.1983612

7Digre KB. Photosensitivity and the headache patient. American Headache Society.

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