"This is Truly a Wonderful Gift" (Robert’s Story)
Hemiplegic migraine is no joke. Although it is an extremely rare subtype of the headache disorder, it can bring about some of the scariest symptoms for patients—from temporary paralysis to muscle weakness and other stroke-like complications. TheraSpecs customer Robert from North Carolina is one of those individuals afflicted with this form of migraine, and he recently shared with us his journey to find relief.
In the fall of 2018, Robert was hospitalized for nearly a week on suspicion of a stroke. After running several tests over the next month, his team of neurologists simply could not find any evidence of a stroke and finally determined that it was in fact hemiplegic migraine.
"Before all this I never really understood how bad they could be. People would tell me they had migraines, and I would sympathize...but this is different," he said. "I never knew migraines could cause stroke-like symptoms. I never knew they could cause paralysis that could last for hours, sometimes up to a day."
Even his neurologists struggled to offer any real treatments that could tone down his attacks. He tried upwards of twenty different acute and preventative medications, yet nothing seemed to work. Thankfully, the circumstances seemed to take a positive turn upon a recent meeting with a new specialist who had experience in treating this type of migraine. Robert finally had some hope for relief.
And then he learned about TheraSpecs.
His doctor was already suspicious that he was sensitive to fluorescent light, which contributed to many of his hemiplegic attacks—particularly those that occurred at his job as a professional restaurant manager. Although Robert was skeptical of TheraSpecs at first, his mind was completely changed within hours of putting them on.
"About three to four hours into my shifts I would have to leave due to an attack; and for the first time in almost 6 months, I was able to work a full shift almost completely pain free wearing your glasses—the FIRST DAY after receiving them."
With such encouraging results from his Haven TheraSpecs style that have sustained beyond that first day, Robert says he no longer has to fear losing his job or any of the other concerns that come with a chronic illness. Yes, he still has the disease, but his TheraSpecs have given him tremendous relief from one of his top triggers.
"I have to say that I have been so relieved by these glasses that I’ve cried tears of joy, and I am man enough to admit that. This is truly a wonderful gift."
We’re so proud that our glasses can play a role in reducing light sensitivity and restoring hope for people like Robert!
TheraSpecs Glasses for Light Management
Try our light-filtering glasses and stay protected against harsh light from screens, fluorescents, LEDs, unwanted blue light, bright sunlight, flashing lights, and more.