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TheraSpecs: Behind the Lens with Carol

TheraSpecs: Behind the Lens with Carol

Written by Hart Shafer on 15th Sep 2014

Behind the Lens features TheraSpecs’ customers and their journey – what brought them to TheraSpecs and how they find relief from eyestrain, headache, migraine, and overall light sensitivities.

What do you do?

My title is SAP Coordinator. I sit in front of two widescreen monitors and work on my computer all day long with bright fluorescent lights all around me. (See a picture of my workspace below.)

What prompted your search for a solution?

The company I worked for built a new administration building and all the satellite buildings were demolished. I moved into my new “cubicle” in 2005. After a year or two, people passing in front of my cubicle started remarking to me that I had a scowl on my face or was frowning. I just thought it was my monovision contacts or the fact that I was now in a cubicle. After a few more years my vision started blurring, but when my eyes were tested they had not changed. I started noticing when the kids and I were playing video games in the evening that I was having a hard time seeing the 46” TV screen clearly and I was having headaches all the time. I started having a difficult time tolerating anything in my environment, including people, sound, and light…anything.

Finally my headaches consolidated into what felt like a railroad spike driven into the top of my head and my eyes actually ached. I tried going without my contacts and just using reading glasses but that made no difference at all. My doctor told me I needed to see a neurologist, so off I went. This specialist did an MRI on my head and found nothing so he put me on a medication that made everything I ate taste terrible and made me feel like I was as dumb as a rock. The headaches and eye discomfort continued to get worse and the specialist just kept increasing the dosage of the medication even though it was not helping at all. I started getting motion sick just walking, then just sitting still. I was a mess.

After 8 hours of work I would get home and not be able to form a simple sentence – I could not communicate easily. That was so scary, for everyone. Driving had become extremely difficult for me. In the early morning hours on my hour-long commute to work, I could not tolerate the headlights of the oncoming traffic. I had tried wearing my sunglasses but they were too dark for me to see well and I just knew I was going to kill myself driving if I didn’t find some kind of solution. I finally did some research online about ocular migraines/light sensitivity and found the TheraSpecs website. I immediately ordered a pair with indoor tinting. As soon as they arrived and I put them on, it was instant relief. I felt calmer, no more pain – just sore. In the days to follow everyone at work wanted to know how these “pink” glasses were working out for me. I began smiling again, and was able to think clearly. Work was no longer so difficult that I had to struggle. I can actually see better with this tint.

How does light impact your day-to-day?

My eyes have become extremely sensitive to light. I normally only wear my wonderful TheraSpecs at work but I keep them with me always. I found that if I am exposed to fluorescent lighting for any extended time, such as while shopping, running errands, or all day in office buildings – I will start feeling the twinge of pain returning, so I put my glasses on and everything is great again.

Which style of TheraSpecs do you own? And why did you select these?

I have the Wrap type because I have many lights directly above and in front of me at work. I wanted to make sure the light did not get to my eyes over the top of my glasses. These fit snug to my face and my peripheral vision is not inhibited either.

How do TheraSpecs help you?

They saved me. I had gotten so depressed in all the pain I was at times considering killing myself.

How would you describe TheraSpecs to a friend?

I keep TheraSpecs business cards on my desk and in my purse at all times. Some people just think these glasses are really nice looking and want a pair. I cannot tell you how many business cards I have handed out to co-workers and strangers who have trouble with lighting or someone close to them does. Many are having migraines so severe they want to try the glasses to see if they can help relieve some of the pain. I always tell people I have no idea if they will work for them, but I do know they work for me. When I went back to my neurologist for the last time…he was very upset that I refused to take the medication he prescribed to me and chose to wear the glasses instead. I told him if I EVER have one more migraine I will be back. That was two years ago I believe, maybe longer. I don’t worry about it anymore.

Do you have any tips for finding relief you might share?

Don’t stop looking for relief, ever. Never give up and be open to anything. It doesn’t hurt to try something else. I am so glad I did.

Carol's workspace with intense fluorescent lighting and double monitors: Carol's workspace features bright fluorescent lighting and a double-monitor setup that caused her significant pain before she got her TheraSpecs.

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