Bono's Glasses Are for Glaucoma
Running a therapeutic eyewear company and growing up listening to U2 means that Bono’s ever-present glasses has been a topic of conversation at TheraSpecs’ headquarters. He has said in the past that his eyes are very sensitive to light, which had us wondering which one of the more than 50 medical conditions that can cause light sensitivity he had. He has now revealed that glaucoma is the reason he always wears tinted glasses.
Glaucoma symptoms can include:
- Difficulty adjusting to dark rooms
- Trouble focusing on objects
- Sensitivity to light or glare
- Change in iris color
- Red-rimmed, encrusted or swollen eyelids
- Pain in or around eyes that recurs
- Double vision
- Dark spot at vision center
- Distorted or wavy appearance of lines or edges
- Excessive tearing or watery eyes
- Dry, itchy, burning eyes
- Seeing spots
- Seeing ghost-like images
If you have any of these symptoms and have not been diagnosed, please see a doctor. Glaucoma can be treated successfully, but untreated it can lead to blindness. If you have been diagnosed and are looking to minimize your symptoms, TheraSpecs glaucoma glasses can help with light sensitivity… and make you look like a rock star, too! (One of our earliest customers has always referred to her TheraSpecs as her Bono glasses.)
References: Khoshaba, C. (2014, October 18). U2's Bono reveals why he always wears sunglasses: Glaucoma. LA Times. Retrieved October 22, 2014 from
University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center. Glaucoma. Retrieved October 22, 2014 from
TheraSpecs Glasses for Light Management
Try our light-filtering glasses and stay protected against harsh light from screens, fluorescents, LEDs, unwanted blue light, bright sunlight, flashing lights, and more.