15 Tweets That Reveal Just How Painful Light Is During a Migraine Attack
For those who experience photophobia as part of their migraine attacks, you know exactly how bad even the dimmest of lights can be. Here are just a few recent social media tweets from people who also understand what that pain really feels like.
Missing out on your favorite activities
I’ve basically had a continuous migraine headache for the past 16 months. I’m so light sensitive that I’ve been largely confined to a dark room during much of this period.
— Sarah Lerner (@SarahLerner) December 9, 2018
On becoming vampires
I have a new appreciation for the gym now. We decided to walk instead & now I can’t get rid of this migraine bc I’m literally a vampire. Hate the sun.
— Krystal (@Krystal_M01) May 30, 2018
Finding relief anyway you can
I swear y'all I wear sunglasses inside and throw blankets over my blinds the light is not my friend when I have a migraine
— Elizabeth Alvarez (@lizhunnam) July 19, 2017
The irony of tweeting with light sensitive migraine
I mean when I have a migraine I lose my vision and am not able to look at anything with a bright light...like my phone to tweet
— Shannon Leigh (@SLTurbeville) July 18, 2017
When you still have work to do
Torture is when you have a horrible migraine but you still have to look into the light in a microscope for 2 hours
— Dhalia. (@dhaliaaaa) July 20, 2017
When the photophobia lingers
Still very light sensitive & thankful background whirring sounds aren't too assaulting in my ears. Migraine lingering....
— GreenFairy (@abs_inthefairy) July 16, 2017
When it ruins your weekend
I literally ALWAYS get migraines on Fridays when I have weekend plans. The last time I ignored it, I went out, then spent the rest of the weekend dead.
— Alexis Hartway (@ahartw6) June 1, 2018
The pain of exploding heads
when I have a migraine I refuse to turn any light on idc I'll live in darkness if it means my brain feels less likely to explode
— nugget (@katieschultzxo) July 15, 2017
Night lights are not doing anyone any favors
How anyone can sleep with a light on is beyond me, hello migraine
— courtney louise (@courtss678) July 14, 2017
When it is just too much to take
//Migraines... so bad I can't even keep my room lit. Never realized how sensitive to light you can get with a migraine, hope u all are well.
— Ram-chi (@Ram_chii) July 13, 2017
Light triggering migraines is definitely a thing
Light induced migraine has to be a thing cos I'm literally walking around my house like a blind mice in these shades
— me (@_Naisaid) July 12, 2017
When visiting the doctor for migraine triggers a migraine
This morning my eyes refused to focus so I went to see a doctor and diagnose was eye migraine which is apparently a form of migraine where you only get the eye symptoms and nothing else. But the examination light triggered a traditional migraine so now I feel like crap.
— Saga (@nazmuko) March 6, 2019
Feeling the photophobia even without the headache
This migraine is a strange migraine. Head doesn't really hurt, but light and all sound is awful and my stomach is on a roller-coaster. Blech
— Dana (@DanaMairi) July 12, 2017
Laser beams of light
Upgrading from headache to full migraine. If I move to fast I feel sick to my stomach and light is like laser beams
— pix (@_pixisdead_) July 11, 2017
No sudden flashes
best part is one tiny overexposure to light or noise, from a ringtone to direct sunlight, and it turns into a migraine. suffering incarnate.
— love you brian (@touchtheskhie) July 11, 2017
How would you describe your experiences with light sensitivity during an attack? Or is light more of an issue before the attack even begins, or all of the above? Let us know by adding your comments below!
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